Tuesday, August 9, 2016

R.I.P. : Erik RHODES February 8, 1982 - June 14, 2012

Erik Rhodes (born James Elliott Naughtin; February 8, 1982 – June 14, 2012) was an openly gay American gaypornographic film actor, under an exclusive contract with Falcon Studios. He played versatile roles in videos and in his private sex life. He was also notable in New York's gay nightlife and social circles; Rhodes used to date fashion designer Marc Jacobs. (WIKIPEDIA)

"Still alive at 29… Happy Birthday to me." 
Erik RHODES on his Tumblr...

Blogger : Erik wrote a blog during his last years on earth. As you will read - if you have the courage to do so - he was subjected to an incredible level of hate.
Someone who suffers from addiction or depression is sick as someone who suffers from a cancer. No one would subject anyone else to hate mails if he/she was dying from cancer. Unfortunately it is clear that the notion of decency is foreign to many "Anonymous" on blogs...

Two important pieces @ : THE ADVOCATE - THE NEW YORK TIMES 

On his H.I.V. status @ : POZ

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